About the Wireless Access Providers Association

Wireless Access Providers Association (WAPA), established in 2006, is a non-profit trade association acting as a collective voice for the wireless industry. WAPA's primary objective is to promote the wireless industry's growth by facilitating self-regulation, promoting best practices, and educating members and the market about new wireless technologies and business models. In addition, WAPA offers its members regulatory advice, technical training, a code of conduct, a forum for knowledge-sharing and business-enablement opportunities. 

WAPA is positioned to be an interface between the government regulator (ICASA), network operators, service providers, and consumers. WAPA regularly makes submissions and presentations to the government on wireless industry regulations. WAPA is tirelessly lobbying for more progressive and efficient spectrum management in South Africa and is focusing on the possibilities of the TVWS spectrum for interference-free access.


Management Committee of the Wireless Access Providers Association

Front row from left:

  • Jackie Momberg, Treasurer
  • Maddy Erasmus, Secretariat
  • Lesley Colmer, CEO
  • Tim Genders, Chairperson

Back row from left:

  • Rolf Blom, Ellipsis
  • Riyaaz Kerbelker
  • Jens Langenhorst
  • Paul Colmer
  • Johan Botha

Lesley Colmer

Tim Genders
Acting Chairperson and Government Relations

Jackie Momberg

Riyaaz Kerbelker

Paul Colmer
Spectrum, Events and PR

Maddy Erasmus

Jens Langenhorst

Johan Botha


View previous committee members




November 2008
The certainty that VANS can build network infrastructure.

November 2008
WAPA AGM, new management committee was elected and WAPA grows to 44 members.

September 2008
The high court rules that VANS have had the right to self-provide network infrastructure since 2005.

September 2008
WAPA cooperates with the ISPA and officially endorses iWeek 2008.

April 7th 2008
High Court legal action asking for a declaratory order regarding the rights of VANS licensees to self-provide infrastructure.

December 2007
First WAPA Spectrum Analyser Workshops.

September 2007
First iWeek where WAPA has an exhibition stand.

March 16th 2007

March 2007
WAPA grows to 29 members.

February 2007
WAPA submits a formal request for recognition by ICASA council.

December 2006
WAPA presents the Code of Conduct to ICASA Council and enforcement management.

December 2006
WAPA formally engages the regulator in Western Cape and at Council level.

November 2006
WAPA was formed with 15 WISP’s and 1 equipment vendor as founding members.

September 2006
WAPA presented to Parliament during a visit to Knysna as a self-regulation body.

January 2006
WISPA presented to ICASA councillors.

February 2005
Ministerial de-regulation of VANS.

June 2003
Support from UNICT Taskforce, W2I, UNDP, ITU and FCC.

May 2003
First meeting of WINX (The Wireless Internet Exchange).